About Me

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Houston, Texas , United States
I am an OG fan girl. I loved many different fandoms before they were considered cool or mainstream. I'm a mom, a nerd, and a vlogger. I run my YouTube channel for a few years now, but only in the last three. Have I really gotten to have a lot of fun with it.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Oklahoma Christmas Magic & My Surprisingly High Chaos Threshold!

November brought an incredible, albeit bittersweet, trip to Oklahoma. The Mischief Making Magic podcast crew – Ukita, myself, and of course, our beloved CJ – finally reunited! It was a blessing to spend time with CJ, helping her deck the halls for the holidays and offering support during a challenging time.

Seeing CJ navigate her health struggles firsthand has given me a whole new level of understanding and empathy. Witnessing the exhaustion and stress of countless doctor's appointments put a lot into perspective. My heart aches for her, but I'm incredibly grateful we could be there for her, delivering collective hugs and love from all our Magic Makers๐Ÿ’– Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible; your support meant the world.

But amidst the heartfelt moments, I also learned something pretty interesting about myself! CJ’s home is wonderfully calm and peaceful – what I now realize is, for me, *extremely* quiet. I never realized how much I thrive on a constant hum of background noise until I spent several days in that peaceful environment. Audiobooks, music, the happy chaos of my kids – I need that continuous soundtrack to my life. It's not loudness; it's a certain level of ambient energy I need to function. I guess my baseline "noise level" is higher than most people's – LOL! No wonder I spent a lot of time with my earbuds in, creating my own personal soundscape – nothing personal, CJ! Just a newfound self-awareness!

Leaving Oklahoma was incredibly hard. Tears wereshed, knowing we might not see each other in person again for a while. But I pray that changes soon

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season! Thank you again for your unwavering support, which made this special reunion possible. We love you all ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽ„

Unleashing Magical Creativity: A Journey with Jade Kelly in Voice Acting and Cosplay

Everyone has a little bit of magic inside of them. Whether it's through their hobbies, talents, or passions, we all have something that ...