About Me

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Houston, Texas , United States
I am an OG fan girl. I loved many different fandoms before they were considered cool or mainstream. I'm a mom, a nerd, and a vlogger. I run my YouTube channel for a few years now, but only in the last three. Have I really gotten to have a lot of fun with it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Upcoming Vlogs

I have been working very hard to get my new Tshirt store up (Magic and Mischief) and running but I am not neglecting my Mombierella vlog. I just love being able to share the things that make life a little more magical everyday. Some days are rough and just that little bit of pixie dust is sometimes all you need to get you up and running again.
I have a few things planning for upcoming vlogs that I wanted to share with you beforehand. Here are just a few of the ideas I will be using and am brainstorming about for future episodes. Thank you so much for being part of the magic with me.

  • Disney for larger families - Staying off site (I will have a very special guest for this episode)

  • Unboxing Disney bakeware (c/o Eagle Moss) and Disney Movie Rewards

  • Disney Free Dining and other discounts to look for

  • Mombierella's Magic and Mischief (I know I've given some spoilers for this one, but I'm just so excited to share my new creations I can't help myself. I have been creating new designs and will be releasing at least 1 every Tuesday from now on to my store.)

  • Live WDW footage and an Episode right from the parks during our up coming trip (But it won't be till later in the year)

  • Disney themed family movie nights (food, games, and decorations diy style)

There will be others as well but for now these are my planned episodes that I will be working on. I am also working on an intro to my various episodes (other than or including my usual "Hi, I'm Mombierella." bit.
Till then Remember, Let it Go and Keep Moving Forward.
Have a Magical Day!

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