About Me

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Houston, Texas , United States
I am an OG fan girl. I loved many different fandoms before they were considered cool or mainstream. I'm a mom, a nerd, and a vlogger. I run my YouTube channel for a few years now, but only in the last three. Have I really gotten to have a lot of fun with it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Mombierella Logo

Hi! I have created my own logo for Mombierella. A friend asked me the other day what my name means. If you've never heard the term Mombie - it means a tired mom to the point of being zombie like. And the Rella is for one of my favorite Disney princesses - Cinderella. When our little princess was growing up she was obsessed with that movie so much we added to Ella to the end of her name. Now that she is older she prefers Rapunzel so we actually add the Unzel to her name often. lol!
I have a little Prince and Princess and they are so special to me. We have had a few struggles over the years but I am incredibly blessed. My little princess struggles with her ADHD and dyslexia at times but she has really excelled at math and art (her artistic side being part of her Rapunzel draw.) And they are both wonderful.
I love that you are part of my life as well! It means so much to me to have friends all over the country...no all over the world, who share in the everyday magic with us. Thank you❤
And remember Let it Go and Keep Moving Forward.
Have a Magical Day!

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